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Uncover the foundation of innovation and exploration with basic science. Explore the building blocks of knowledge that unlock limitless possibilities and pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries.

Ancestral Origins of Modern Japanese People Revealed

Scientists discovered the ancestral roots of modern Japanese people.Scientists have been studying the evolutionary history of humans for many years. They use fossil evidence, genetic data, archae...

The Secret Language of Flowers: Exploring One-to-One Pollen Tube Guidance

Researchers from Nagoya University have used a special microscopy technique to unlock the secrets of one-to-one pollen tube guidance.Angiosperms, or flowering plants, sexually reproduce through p...

Guide to Crafting Research Press Releases

10 Steps of Writing from Scratch to PublicationFirst Week on the JobAn email notification flashes on your screen. You find a researcher’s request for an English press release. Would you pan...

Not all waste is wasteful

Epigenetic clocks decode DNA in dolphin faeces to estimate its ageStudies in humans have provided deep insight into what regulates ageing-related genetic activity. DNA methylation—a process tha...

Dendrimers: Paving the Way for Sustainable Lighting Technology

In a collaborative effort between researchers from Japan and Germany, dendrimers have been combined with environmentally friendly materials, promising a sustainable solution in lighting technology....

Unlocking the Secrets of Chick Vocalisation

Japanese researchers shed light on the development of vocalisation in chicks, bringing us closer to understanding the intricacies of communication in the animal kingdom.While many animals communi...

Advancing Precision Medicine: Unveiling the Genetic Symphony of Atrial Fibrillation

Researchers in Japan made significant strides in understanding the genetic underpinnings of AF, providing not only valuable insights into the disease but also open doors for personalised treatments a...

Decoding the building blocks of life

University of Tsukuba researchers decode life’s ‘handedness’, a discovery that could impact humanity’s search for extra-terrestrial life.University of Tsukuba researchers decode life’s ...

Cellular chatter unlocks ovulation secrets

Unravelling the secrets of ovulation, Nagoya University researchers reveal a cellular dialogue crucial to fertility.Unravelling the secrets of ovulation, Nagoya University researchers reveal a ce...